Merely Whelmed

An analysis of the misanthrope

Peace November 5, 2006

Filed under: Things I find interesting — tirunesh @ 9:59 am

I love the first real snowfall.

You wake up in the morning, not knowing what happened overnight, you look out the winow and are rendered breathless by the pure, unsullied blanket that covers the world. For a few short hours, before the city awakes, the landscape’s diversity, whose usual technicolour reflects all manners of sin, now appears untarnished and limpid, exonerating the summer’s sordid debaucheries and the autumn’s ravaging harvest.

For a few short hours, we are all absolved and equalized by nature’s bountiful frost.


3 Responses to “Peace”

  1. Ceeg Says:

    It will take more than a light dusting to ‘absolve’ you my friend….
    I owe you a call, I know.

  2. Paslibe Says:

    How poetic and profound. I feel exactly the same on that magic morning.

  3. tirunesh Says:


    Sometimes I try to appeal to Mother Nature’s clemency, cause I know that I have no hope of absolution when it comes to the big G-O-D…

    No worries on the phone call. I was stuck in this insane frenzie of wine connoisseurs and drunken fools all weekend long. This week, inshallah, we will talk.

    Love you.

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